Press and TV Channel

Delivering timely and accurate news coverage with integrity, professionalism, and a commitment to informing the public across all platforms.

Mission Press

In the XIX century there were 12 Christian printing presses in Tamilnadu. The M.E.P fathers felt the need to have a press for their mission so they appealed to the French government to start a press. The French government not only gave permission but also donated the printing machine and ink to start a press. It was Fr.Dupuis M.E.P who started the catholic press in Pondicherry and named it as Mission Press. Fr. Dupuis got printed 125 books, the most significant among them are the Tamil classical books like Thembavani (3.Vols) dictionaries, moral and catechetical books.

Rev. Fr. A. S. P. Auguste

Manager, Mission Press
Post Box No – 193, No.206,
Cathedral Street Pondicherry – 605 001
Contact Personal – 7904824297
office 0413-233437


The Mission press gave birth to ‘Sarvaviabi’ a century old serving catholic weekly of the Indian languages. The need for the formation of the conscience of the faithful through a weekly newspaper was felt during the episcopate of Msgr.Gandy. So bearing the name of ‘Sarvaviabi’ the Catholic Tamil weekly was started on 01.3.1907 with Fr. Paul Veaux as its first editor. Today having crossed a century in printing, ‘Sarvaviabi’ is marching towards the second century in conscientizing the faithful at large.

Archdiocese Pondicherry

Madha TV is here to nourish our Catholic Faith, give spiritual formation, to promote the Catholic understanding of the Holy Bible. It is the response to the long awaited dream to have a Catholic Television channel. We try to register Tamil Catholics presence and create a platform for us in the mainstream media. There is always a yearning amidst the people to have proper avenues through which they can obtain positive attitudes towards life. It is with this motive that a consolidated effort has been taken up by the Catholic Church of Tamilnadu to bring to fruition this vision for Madha TV.