
Name of the Archdiocese: Archdiocese of Pondicherry & Cuddalore

Year of Establishment: 1934

Legal Entity: South Arcot Diocesan Corporation Reg.No. 3 of 1934

Year of Registration 1934

Le Conseil D’ Administration De L’ Archdiocese De Pondicherry Reg.No.43/1973

Name of the Local Ordinary: Most Rev. Francis Kalist, Archbischop's House, Pondicherry - 605 001

Higher Education

S.No.Name of the SchoolAddess of the SchoolDistrictYear of establishmentPhoneEmail idFully aided/Partly aided/Self finance
1St. Anne’s Arts & Science CollegeTindivanam, Villupuram Dt.Villupuram Dt.201504147 250 903, 9443074125stannscollegetindivanam@gmail.comSELF FINANCE
2St. Joseph’s College of Arts and ScienceManjakuppam, Cuddalore 607 001Cuddalore Dt.199104142 – 286311josecol27998@gmail.comSELF FINANCE
3Pope John Paul II College of EducationReddiyarpalayam, Pondicherry 605 010Pondicherry Dt.19860413 – 2292121, 2292122, FINANCE
4St. Joseph’s ITIBeach Road, Pudupalayam, Cuddalore 607001Cuddalore Dt.19579677991807arulgrace67@gmail.comAIDED