Name of the Archdiocese: Archdiocese of Pondicherry & Cuddalore
Year of Establishment: 1934
Legal Entity: South Arcot Diocesan Corporation Reg.No. 3 of 1934
Year of Registration 1934
Le Conseil D’ Administration De L’ Archdiocese De Pondicherry Reg.No.43/1973
Name of the Local Ordinary: Most Rev. Francis Kalist, Archbischop's House, Pondicherry - 605 001
S.No. | Name of the School | Addess of the School | District | Year of establishment | Phone | Email id | Fully aided/Partly aided/Self finance |
1 | St. Anne’s Arts & Science College | Tindivanam, Villupuram Dt. | Villupuram Dt. | 2015 | 04147 250 903, 9443074125 | | SELF FINANCE |
2 | St. Joseph’s College of Arts and Science | Manjakuppam, Cuddalore 607 001 | Cuddalore Dt. | 1991 | 04142 – 286311 | | SELF FINANCE |
3 | Pope John Paul II College of Education | Reddiyarpalayam, Pondicherry 605 010 | Pondicherry Dt. | 1986 | 0413 – 2292121, 2292122, 2292123 | | SELF FINANCE |
4 | St. Joseph’s ITI | Beach Road, Pudupalayam, Cuddalore 607001 | Cuddalore Dt. | 1957 | 9677991807 | | AIDED |
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