Le Conseil d’Administration de L’Archdiocese de Pondichery is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860 with Registration No.43 of 1973 and registered as a Religious & Charitable Society under section 12AA(b) of the Income Tax Act 1961. Originally, the Council of Administration of Archdiocese was constituted in the year 1939 with Msgr.A.S.Colas, Archbishop of Pondicherry as its Chairman, Msgr.J.M.Gopu, Auxiliary Bishop of Pondicherry and Rev.Fr.H.Cailleault, Procurator as Members of the Society during the French settlement in India.
Le Conseil d’Administration de L’Archdiocese de Pondichery is the Society to establish, maintain and administer Churches, Educational institutions, Social institutes, dispensaries, hospitals, orphanages and other related institutions to promote the object of the society and to perform works of charity for those in need irrespective of race, caste, community or creed in the Archdiocese of Pondicherry.