Secretary to The Archdiocesan Curia

Fr. M. Prem Kumar

About the Duties:

The secretary to the Curia of the Archdiocese helps the Archbishop in International correspondence, digital documentation and Media watch. The Secretary provides data and statistical support and technical assistance to all the departments of the Archdiocesan Curia and also provides software platform for the Archdiocesan parishes and institutions in their administration. He oversees, maintains and coordinates Archdiocesan website, networks and databases for effective and secure technology operations for the diffusion of information. He dispenses the information regarding the various activities of the Archdiocese to the Clergy, Religious, Laity and to the world through the social networking websites, e-mails and short messaging service. The Archdiocese is also developing an e- library with the image and audio- visual contents with the assistance of the Secretary to the Curia.

The Secretary can be reached at: